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Identify your personal energy sources using IDI

Identify your personal energy sources using IDI

Unlike other personality or leadership assessments you may have taken in the past, the Individual Directions Inventory (IDI) focuses on energy; what naturally gives you energy, and what takes energy from you.  In our session together, we'll explore your individual assessment report and discuss ways you can use this new energy-knowledge in personal and professional aspects of your life.

Schedule a session as an individual below. This assessment can be offered as a whole team assessment. If you are interested, contact us.

Elise Allyn (she/her)
Conscious Revolution Associate Consultant & Lead Analyst

This was very hard for me to write, which is funny because 1. I have a degree in writing and 2. My favorite kind of writing is autobiographical. But whenever I sat down to write this bio, this public facing piece of myself, I was overcome with fear and indecision. The simple fact that you, dear reader, were going to read this paralyzed me. I’m sharing this with you because it’s part of what you get when you work with me. I’m a human first and foremost and I bring my humanity to work. I show up wholly and passionately because doing this work, the work of helping leaders create conscious, equitable companies, it’s the work I was born to do. The deepest part of me lights up when I am helping others. I love your challenges, your problems, your concerns, your fears. I love them because I know that together we can figure them out, conquer them, quell them. My many years of experience as an employee of all stripes coupled with years of acting in an HR capacity leave me uniquely qualified to think with my HR hat and act with my human heart. When I joined Conscious Revolution in 2021, I was looking for a home that would allow my love of helping others to truly flourish. I’ve found that home.

March 1

Circle of Sound: A deep relaxing and healing experience