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Conscious Leadership Awakening: Inner Systems

Conscious Leadership Awakening: Inner Systems

Dates: Consecutive Mondays and Fridays (with two Tuesdays due to holidays)
Oct 15 (T)/18
Oct 21/25
Oct 28/Nov 1
Nov 4/Nov 8
Nov 12 (T)/Nov 15
Nov 19/Nov 22

Time: 12:00-1pm ET

Location: Virtual

Sliding scale $0-$500. No one turned away for lack of funds

  • Members: $250

  • Non-Members: $500

Become a member!

Program Description: The world’s rapid evolution and uncertainty is heightening stress and affecting our well-being. We’re navigating uncharted waters with limited tools, often defaulting to survival modes that keep us from being and doing our best. Sustained change begins within and extends to others through our presence and influence. Leading in these times is not about having all the answers. It’s about fostering an inner and outer environment where challenges are met with equanimity and creativity.

Program Goals:

  1. Introduce the need for conscious leadership and its relevance for any person in positional leadership today

  2. Explore the neuroscience behind ‘reactivity’ and ‘creativity’ in leadership and grow practices for resourcing oneself to be less reactive and more creative

  3. Support the establishment of ongoing practices for sustainable leadership that empowers leaders to stay in alignment with their values and to meet the complex demands they face

Program Design:

Six week course that includes:

  • Access to online resource platform for 1 year 

  • 20 asynchronous teaching videos on:

    • The Neuroscience of Leadership

    • Mindfulness

    • Heart Math

    • Breath Work

    • Appreciative Inquiry

  • Conscious Leadership Awakening Journal

  • 2 60 minute group calls (Monday and Friday), weekly for 6 weeks emphasizing

    • Repetition - daily teachings and practices lead to habit change

    • Integration - space and time is needed for true learning

    • Collective wisdom - being seen and heard in community

  • Conscious Revolution is a Benefit Corporation and a Certified B Corp. Your financial support is making an impact.

    Most programs have a set fee. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. In the case of tiered pricing programs, you will see the below options when you go to purchase.

    • Full sponsor: I have the ability to pay 100% of cost for of the facilitator and course fees and sponsor 100% for someone else

    • Partial sponsor: I have the ability to pay 100% of cost for of the facilitator and course fees and sponsor 50% for someone else

    • Full payment: I have the ability to pay 100% of cost for of the facilitator and course fees

    • Partially supported payment: I have a financial hardship and I am the ability to pay 50% of cost for of the facilitator and course fees

    • Fully supported payment: I have a financial hardship and I am unable to contribute financially.

    We ask you to consider: What is the right amount for you? What are your financial means? Can you offer more so another person can join offerings in the Conscious Leadership Community? The majority of the program fee goes to paying facilitators to compensate for their contributions. Excess funds, if any, support making our future programs and events accessible to all those who would like to attend regardless of their ability to pay.

    We do not want anyone to be turned away due to lack of resources and we intend for our offerings to be accessible to all leaders. We are also committed to fostering a community that is diverse and balanced. Need-based scholarships are typically reserved for BIPOC, LGBTQ+ folks and applicants from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

    We do our best to find agreeable solutions for all, and though we cannot accommodate every request, we will always do our best, so please let us know what you may need.



Margot Fine (she/her)
Partner Consultant & Conscious Leadership Community Lead

My name is Margot - I love walking by the ocean with my husband, learning new things alongside my 3 kids, the smell of a campfire, getting my hands dirty in the garden, creating art, and making soup without recipes. I am a 3rd generation New Yorker, and have been building community for over 20 years in what is now called Portland, Maine. I have a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies from Bates College and a Masters in Social Work from the University of Southern Maine and am licensed as a clinical social worker, with my practice rooted in radical social change strategies for structural transformation and community justice.

For fifteen years, I was the Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director at Maine Inside Out (MIO), where I co-created an innovative transformative justice organization implementing a sustainability framework, strategic plan, and operational oversight with a commitment to non-traditional governance models and shared leadership values. Over the years and previous to my work at MIO, I have been part of community based movements for social change from grassroots farming collectives focused on food sovereignty to large scale political campaigns intended to shift outdated systems. I’ve also worked as a leader and coalition builder at various non profits and in school based settings in the areas of houselessness, incarceration, legal rights, the arts, youth resiliency, and alternatives to suspension and expulsion. I have also been an advocate and thought partner inside government systems focused on systemic changes that move towards inclusivity and responsiveness to all. I’ve been a member of countless local committees and coalitions as well as nominated to sit on government advisory groups. In all environments - grassroots to government - and in all relationships - I hold steady on a path that is driven by a desire to build a more interconnected and equitable world. As a leader and collaborator, I bring a strong racial justice movement orientation to all of my work and strive to create a culture of integrity and trust across diverse teams of people, where all can feel confident to build meaningful relationships, be autonomous and collaborative, make mistakes, and learn and grow personally and collectively.

At Conscious Revolution, I am answering a call to co-create and support the Conscious Leadership Community - with the aim to creatively engage leaders and changemakers across sectors to accelerate progress toward personal healing, organizational change, and systemic and cultural transformation. I have personally been on a twenty five year journey that recognizes the inextricable link between inner work and its outer personal, professional and systemic manifestations, and look forward to being in community with others at all points of their journeys who share this recognition and commitment. I will also be working with non profit partners on higher purpose, values, and organizational design, and to support those that I am fortunate to work with to find the greatest alignment of their organizational purpose and values and to build practices and structures that create, nourish, and uphold the culture, community and world desired to live and work in.

Melea Nalli (she/her) Partner Consultant, & Executive Coach​

I’ve been on a 25 plus year professional journey to Conscious Revolution, where I feel a “full body yes” to our purpose, mission and values. I started my career as a special education teacher in the Rio Grande Valley because I was compelled to do something concrete and proactive to advance social justice and teaching felt like one of the most direct ways to respond to this calling. My experience teaching and then coaching other teachers ignited a fire in my belly around the need for systems change within and beyond education. This led me into a variety of leadership roles in national nonprofits that partnered with school systems working towards educational equity and interested in redesigning their practices so that all students can thrive.

After having the opportunity to work with leaders in schools and school systems across the country for more than a decade, I got to work in my community where my own children attend school in what we now call Portland, Maine. Portland Public Schools is the largest and most diverse school district in the state of Maine. I first partnered with the district to write the strategic plan and then went on to serve as the Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning and as interim Co-Superintendent. In all of my roles I have gravitated towards organizational culture and people development work and have found that I feel authentic building and leading teams towards meaningful goals. I believe that positional leadership calls for deep listening, humility, love and a commitment to growing self-awareness as a constant practice. I am ever aspiring to live in alignment with these commitments. As it’s useful to know, I have a Bachelor's degree in Sociology and Africana Studies from Bowdoin College and a Masters of Education in School Leadership from Harvard Graduate School of Education, (which I received on a social entrepreneurship fellowship through the Center for Public Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School). I also have various certifications, primarily in the field of education.

My work is an expression of my personal values and I also feel grateful to have a full life outside of my work. I am the mom to two boys and a dog (and I have a (very funny) husband too). I practice meditation and/or yoga daily (and am a trained trauma-informed yoga teacher and used to teach in the youth detention center as a part of a yoga service nonprofit I co-founded). I’m usually reading a minimum of three books (one spiritual, one professional, one mystery). And as a true extrovert (getting more introverted with age though) I love to be with good friends, preferably over a tasty meal or near the water.

My role at Conscious Revolution is to expand our ability to support leaders and organizations in the education sector, in addition to collaborating with the team to support clients across all contexts. I have great respect for all leaders charged with transformational change in their institutions, and I have an especially deep empathy for educational leaders in these unprecedented times. I believe that courageous leaders ask for help and I am so honored to be able to partner with our clients to offer our support.

October 4

October Circle of Sound: A deep relaxing and healing experience

October 22

Introduction to mindfulness & meditation Series